Friday 18 January 2013


I'm not really feeling much need to document my life this week. It's been fine but dull, I've been ill, everything feels like a chore, blah blah blah.


Instead I thought I'd entertain you with the few things that haven't felt like a chore this week.

Like trawling this little (occasionally somewhat rude) piece of internet awesomeness, discovered here.

Image from

Or listening to this song on repeat. While mourning the sad fact that while Nick Cave is playing in LA next month, tickets are $140. Which is INSANE and cannot be justified under my 2013 austerity measures.

Which are in place so I can do muchos, muchos travelling of one form or another this year. Like maybe go here:

Maui, baby! From here via Pinterest.

So yeah. In the words of Arnie (who I almost kinda met this week but then didn't really), I'll be back. When I have anything faintly interesting to say.


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