Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Dress dilemma

In precisely one month two of my loveliest friends are getting hitched - and I'm going to be there!

Which is, clearly, awesome news of the awesomest variety. To say I'm excited would be something of an understatement. There's just one thing - I don't have anything to wear...

Usually the hunt for a dress for these things begins months in advance (actually I'm not sure that's the best idea, I seem to end up buying three different dresses, or still end up frantically scouring the high street for accessories the day before the wedding) but this time around I booked my flights and decided to fly back at pretty short notice.

So. I adopted an equally foolish strategy - start the outfit with a bag. Not just any bag, a very lovely birthday present bag.

Isn't she purdy? From Accessorize

I don't wear cream or nude (it makes me look all pink and blotchy, plus it's a wedding, white is kinda off the table!). Black is no fun. And the bridesmaids at this gorgeous spring wedding are going to be in yellow. So that leaves either pink or a kind of dusky lilac.

Weather-wise, early April in Eastern England could mean pretty much anything, so I need a dress that can be worn with or without tights.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to the options:

Option A. A big fat rip-off of one of my favourite Topshop dresses of the past year or so - Topshop did not oblige me by having any pink versions in stock (how selfish), but I'm hoping this could have potential, as long as the colour isn't too candy pink.

Coral shift dress, Missguided

Option B: Looks just fine on the skinny, leggy, model person - we shall see how it works on me. But I like the colour a lot. And I could imagine it working well with a chunky statement necklace.

Mini tulip dress, ASOS

Option C: Doesn't necessarily look like much in the photo, but I've seen other pics of actual, real-life, non-6ft tall people wearing it, and the angles of the shoulder and neckline, and the simple shape looked pretty cool.

Straight-cut dress, Mango

Anyone have a favourite? Or any better options? I can't, in all honesty, say I'm 100% sold on any of these yet, but A and B are on order, so I'll see how they fit when they get here...


S said...

I love them all. I'm LOVING coral this spring so I'm all for any of them. I particularly like B. Think the style and esp. the colour would really suit you. Really like the soft shoulders too! EXCITING!!xxx

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