Sunday, 14 July 2013

Round here (London edition)

Yeah, it's been a while. Sorry about that. I guess life just seems a bit less exciting now I'm settled back into English life/work/pub culture.

Which is not to say I haven't been doing stuff - more just that I haven't felt like taking photos.

:: There have been multiple trips to the BFI (Werner Herzog season? Why, hello there giant lizards! Nice to see you, men singing to pot plants).

:: There has been an emotional reunion with my stand mixer, and a couple of pretty successful cakes, the best of which were Nigella classics - nutella cake and chocolate guinness cake

:: While I haven't been to any of the big summer festivals (Coachella kind of wiped out my festival budget for the year - more on that another day), I did make it to see the XX on a very drear, very cold day, and to see the Rolling Stones in Hyde Park on a very hot, sunny one.

 :: There were a couple of theatre visits involving my bestie - at one end of the spectrum, a last-minute trip to see the Book of Mormon that made me laugh so hard I think I may have caused permanent damage to my stomach muscles. At the other, an outdoor performance of a Midsummer Night's Dream with a Puck so awful that - actually, I don't even know what to say. Words fail me. (The rest of the cast, on the other hand, were great).

:: There has been some hanging out time with two of my favourite babies, one of whom is now pretty much a full-on toddler with a mightily impressive vocab, and the other an adorable 11-month-old who's already walking and talking and proving correct my suspicions that he's a total smarty-pants.

Now I'm just enjoying - at least as much as a pale freckled person with a dependence on factor 50 sun-cream can - high summer in south London. Roses, picnics, gelato and al fresco drinking? Okay with me.


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