Monday, 8 October 2012

The Great Californian bucket list

I've tried to make the most of living in California over the past year and a bit. From Palm Springs to Yosemite, San Diego to Santa Barbara, I've been on little weekend adventures, I've been a California tour-guide for various visitors, and I've explored lots of LA.

But there are still a few more things I'd like to do while I'm living here, so I can feel like a proper west coast girl. These are mainly LA based, purely and simply because I'm running very low on holiday allowance!

So without further ado, here's my list of the 10 Californian experiences I'm planning on working through:

1. Go to Disneyland

2. Take a surfing lesson

3. Go to Coachella

4. Eat tacos at Yuca's

5. Visit Catalina

6. Do a Man vs Food challenge (this is my sister's masterplan. If I'm doing it, she's going down with me!)

7. Go to a drive-in movie

8. Attend a Super Bowl party

9. Go to a concert at the Hollywood Bowl

10. Go to a baseball game

Actually I will have ticked at least one of these off within the next 24 hours, I hope. More to come!

*Image credits for these seem to have fallen into a Pinterest black hole. I'd be happy to add them if anyone can illuminate me...


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