So I'm here. The sun even came out for a little bit this afternoon.
I will get around to writing a post about first impressions, my final weekend in London Town, the absolute terror of driving in LA for the first time, and how I appear to have mislaid a random selection of my possessions. But not right now, I'm still processing it all.
More urgently, my generous sister gave me her ipod before I left, and I'm trying to fill it with a couple of hours of epic running songs to motivate me to hit the gym, and make the most of the 6am wake-ups jetlag has kindly given me.
Thus far, I've got a bit of Herman Dune, some Blondie, the Rolling Stones, Belle and Sebastian, LCD Soundystem, the Supremes, Kanye and Jay-Z in the slightly random mix. But I need more inspiration!
This is the soundtrack to my year, so far. Je t'aime. |
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